You are currently viewing Lisa & John’s Summer Wedding Portraits

Lisa & John’s Summer Wedding Portraits

Like many others in 2020, the wedding they dreamed of ended up fall through. Things kept changing and brides and grooms had to change plans with it. Lisa and John decided to get married in an intimate setting in the winter of 2020 during another wave of Covid. Only a few of their closest people were there. They opted for wedding portraits later when it was warmer, and I am so happy they chose me to take them! Lisa was everything a little girl dreams of as a bride. Both Lisa and John have such a keen sense of style. (I think they are secretly supermodels 😉 

Not only are they the most stunning couple, their love for each other and for the Lord was, in a word, inspiring. They openly talked about God as their best friend. The only “must have” picture requests was of them both praying together. Times may have been stressful and uncertain, but for Lisa & John, it brought them closer to each other and to God. 

Lisa & John, thank you so much for trusting me with your beautiful wedding photos. You both are such a blessing to those around you. And your session was perfect! The ticks and mosquitos had nothing on you both! (lol) I wish you a wonderful marriage.Â