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So I think I may be sleep talking here for a bit. Yes, I am ready for bed, but I hadn’t checked all things off my to do list today. 🙂 Pardon anything I say that may not make sense, haha. I absolutely LOVE being a photographer, but let me tell you, about 80% of all the work  is in my office away from people and often sleep deprived, but I keep at those things for the 20% that I enjoy so much. And I am so very thankful to God for entrusting me with this job. 

Now why am I still up, you ask? My goal is to catch up with all blogging  before the year is half over. It’s become quite the race here, but I’m almost there. Because it’s so easy to fall behind I’ve decided from here on to share highlights of each session within a week, give or take, of the capture date. Priorities eh? 

Now, just because I let myself fall behind does not mean I’m not in love with the pictures! 🙂 I had SO much fun doing Sonia’s pictures. First of all, she’s absolutely beautiful and so talented, and from the interaction I’ve had with her, I can tell that she is a very caring individual. 

I enjoyed incorporating her hobby into the photos. She does such a good job painting. 

On the day of this session it rained… since rescheduling wasn’t really an option, we found an indoor place to take the pictures at. Thanks to Heritage Inn, we didn’t have to do the whole session outside in the rain, although we finished it out there. A little rain didn’t hurt us. 🙂 

Sonia brought her boyfriend Abe along for some pictures as well, which is always welcome. 

Here are some of my favorite images from her session.